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mugen人物曝气系统 Empty mugen人物曝气系统

帖子  Admin 周六 二月 25, 2012 7:33 pm

[Begin Action 900];开始动作
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
2000,0, 0,0, 3,
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
2000,1, 0,0, 3,
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
2000,2, 0,0, 8,
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
2000,1, 0,0, 2,
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
2000,0, 0,0, 2,

[Begin Action 901];开始动作
Clsn2: 2
Clsn2[0] = -21, -92, 21, 0
Clsn2[1] = -12, -110, 12, -86
0,0, 0,0, 1,

[Begin Action 8000];空白
-1,0, 0,0, 1,

[Begin Action 7530];max-no字
7500,19, 0,0, 32,
7500,20, 0,0, -1,

[Begin Action 7531];max-no字变气框
7500,19, 29,0, 32, H,
7500,22, 0,0, -1, H,

[Begin Action 7532];气条
7500,21, 0,0, 1,

name = "MAX"
command = c+z
time = 1

triggerall = var(20) >0
[State -1, Jump Strong Kick]
type = ChangeState
value = 900
triggerall = command = "MAX"
triggerall = statetype != A
triggerall = power >= 1000
trigger1 = var(20) = 0
trigger1 = ctrl

[State -1, Jump Strong Kick]
type = ChangeState
value = 901
triggerall = command = "MAX"
triggerall = statetype != A
triggerall = power >= 2000
trigger1 = var(20) = 0
trigger1 = stateno = [200,499]
trigger1 = movecontact

; MAX敪摦
[Statedef 900]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 900
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = N
sprpriority = 1
poweradd = -1000

[State 00];
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = ***lem = 3;曝气声
value = 900,0

[State 00];
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = ***lem = 2
value = 901,var(1)

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 20
value = 900

[State a]
type = Explod
trigger1 = ***lem = 4
anim = 6001;火花
sprpriority = 3
postype = p1
pos = 0,-136
bindtime = 1
under = 0
ownpal = 1
supermovetime = 999

[State 1020, 4]
type = EnvShake
trigger1 = ***lem = 6
time = 10
ampl = -5
freq = 95
phase = 95

[State 195, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

; 僋僀僢僋MAX
[Statedef 901]
type = S
ctrl = 0
anim = 901
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = N
sprpriority = 1
poweradd = -2000

[State 00];
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 0;曝气声
value = 900,1

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 20
value = 900


[State 195, 2]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Time = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

[Statedef 7550]
type = A
ctrl = 0
anim = 8000
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = N
sprpriority = 10

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 1
value = 0

[state a]
type = changestate
triggerall = root,movetype != H
trigger1 = root,stateno = 900
trigger2 = root,var(20) = 900
value = 7551

[Statedef 7551]
type = A
ctrl = 0
anim = 8000
velset = 0,0
movetype = I
physics = N
sprpriority = 10

[state a]
type = null;Trans
trigger1 = 1
trans = addalpha
alpha = 256, 256

[state -2,a];僎乕僕榞a
type = Explod
triggerall = RoundState <= 2
trigger1 = Facing = 1
trigger1 = numexplod(7530) = 0
anim = 7530
id = 7530
postype = back
bindtime = -1
pos = 56,221
sprpriority = 996
removetime = -1
ownpal = 1
;ontop = 1

[state -2,a];僎乕僕榞a
type = Explod
triggerall = RoundState <= 2
trigger1 = Facing = -1
trigger1 = numexplod(7530) = 0
anim = 7531
id = 7530
postype = back
bindtime = -1
pos = 56,221
sprpriority = 996
removetime = -1
ownpal = 1
facing = 1
;ontop = 1

[state a]
type = ModifyExplod
trigger1 = time <= 33
ID = 7530
scale = 1,var(1)*0.01

[state a]
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = RoundState > 2
id = 7530

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 0
v = 1
value = 0

[state a]
type = varadd
trigger1 = time <= 4
v = 1
value = 20

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 5
v = 1
value = 100

[state a]
type = varadd
trigger1 = time >= 27
v = 1
value = -20

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = time = 32
v = 1
value = 100

[state a]
type = AssertSpecial
trigger1 = 1
flag = noshadow
flag2 = invisible

[state -2,a];僎乕僕検
type = Explod
triggerall = RoundState <= 2
trigger1 = Facing = 1
trigger1 = time >= 32
anim = 7532
id = 7532
postype = left
bindtime = -1
pos = 56,221
sprpriority = 997
;removetime = -1
ownpal = 1
;ontop = 1

[state -2,a];僎乕僕検
type = Explod
triggerall = RoundState <= 2
trigger1 = Facing = -1
trigger1 = time >= 32
anim = 7532
id = 7532
postype = right
bindtime = -1
pos = -56,221
sprpriority = 997
;removetime = -1
ownpal = 1
facing = -1
;ontop = 1

[state a]
type = ModifyExplod
trigger1 = 1
ID = 7532
scale = root,var(20) * 0.001112,1

[state a]
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = RoundState > 2
id = 7532

[state a]
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = root,var(20) = 0
id = 7530

[state a]
type = removeexplod
trigger1 = root,var(20) = 0
id = 7532

[state a]
type = changestate
trigger1 = root,var(20) = 0
value = 7550

[state a];MAX敪摦僎乕僕
type = Helper
trigger1 = numhelper(7550) = 0
id = 7550
name = "MAX"
sprpriority = 1
pos = 0,0
postype = p1
stateno = 7550
helpertype = normal
pausemovetime = 99999999
supermovetime = 99999999
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1

[state -2 ,1];MAX敪摦帪偺僷儚乕僙僢僩
type = varset
trigger1 = var(20) >0
v = 21
value = power

[state a]
type = varadd
trigger1 = var(20) > 0
v = 20
value = -1

[state a]
type = varset
trigger1 = var(20) < 0
v = 20
value = 0

[state a]
type = powerset
trigger1 = var(20) > 0
trigger1 = stateno != [2000,2999]
value = var(21)
ignorehitpause = 1

[State a];揰柵
type = palfx
trigger1 = var(20) > 0
trigger1 = gametime % 2 = 0
time = 1
add = 80,80,0;人物身上的颜色
color = 1
ignorehitpause = 1


帖子数 : 124
注册日期 : 11-03-26
年龄 : 33

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